IMLU was formed in 1993 to provide an organizational framework for responding to the then extremely worrying cases of torture in Kenya within the context of the obtaining political and governance conditions.

We prevent and respond to torture and related violations to ensure healing, justice and accountability


A society free from torture and related violations.


To prevent and respond to torture and related violations to ensure healing, justice and accountability


A sustainable environment for accountability, justice and healing for all cases of torture and related violations is established in Kenya

Our Values

We will continue to uphold professionalism, honesty, accountability, and evidence-based interventions in the course of our work

We will endeavour to show compassion and dedication to victims and survivors of torture, violence, and discrimination regardless of who they are

We will carry out its work without fear

We will be open in its interactions and working relations, and will support clear channels of information sharing and communication;

We are committed to upholding ethical practices in all our undertakings.

We will demonstrate unconditional positive regard for all; we treat everyone equally regardless of their race, colour, religion, political affiliation, gender, age, sexual orientation or social-cultural or economic background; we keenly reflect on how our work methods, approaches and attitudes impact on communities that we serve.

We are a governance, health, and human rights non-governmental organization. Our work is fostered by a holistic approach that includes litigation, medical and psycho-social rehabilitation, socio-economic empowerment, oversight of government compliance with human rights obligations, and advocacy of political, legal, and institutional reforms that promote accountability, healing, and justice. Over the last three decades, the organization has supported more than 6,000 victims of torture, cruel, degrading, and inhumane treatments. We have a national presence of over 300 professionals; doctors, trauma counselors, lawyers, human rights monitors, and journalists