Susan Wayua, we celebrate you

On a dusty and sunny afternoon on the 5th day of June 2008 , somewhere in Kwa Reuben slums a curious 17-year-old girl heard some commotion. The commotion become louder and out of curiosity, she ran outside their house to see what was happening.

About 400 meters from their house, police officers were managing a spontaneous crowd that had gathered to witness the alleged arrest of a suspected thief. A few moments later, she was on the ground writhing in pain and in a pool of blood. 

 A few days later, her right arm was amputated (below the elbow) and the long 13 year long journey of seeking justice began.

Susan’s life was changed for the worse in 2008 when she was only a minor.

The unfortunate event gained public traction and the Independent Medico-Legal Unit responded. Preliminary and legal documentation was undertaken while the medical support was ongoing. Psychological support was prescribed and has been ongoing throughout her engagement with IMLU.

Civil Matter No. 1724 OF 2009 was filed on behalf of Susan Wayua suing the Attorney General for the negligence of the patrol officers. She sought compensation for injuries, loss and damage suffered. In this suit, the court affirmed 100% liability and noted that the injuries affected her prospects of marriage and her role as a mother and a wife.

The court ruled in her favour and she was awarded both special and general damages as well as coats and interest on 23rd of March, 2016.

Given the delay in the actualization of the court’s declarations, IMLU and Wayua are currently working towards a reasonable end of the case.

Today, Susan is an empowered mother of two who encourages other women to understand their rights and seek justice when they are violated!

